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VAT exemption

VAT exempt courses

If you would like to attend a VAT-free training, please contact us at

For whom.

Polteq is pleased to offer the opportunity to choose training without VAT. This is not for everyone, but it may be for you, should you not be able to reclaim VAT. And that may well provide an attractive discount.

The VAT-exempt scheme can be beneficial to, among others:

The VAT exemption in brief

If you can reclaim VAT, then this arrangement is not a good choice for you. You’d better ask us for the price excluding VAT.

If your industry is VAT-exempt, then in most cases it is best to choose VAT-exempt training.


1) You or your organization can reclaim VAT.
In this
case, you will pay 21% VAT for your training, on top of the agreed price for the training, but you can reclaim the VAT from the government.

VAT-free training is of no interest to you. You get the VAT back and thus pay the net “ex. VAT” price.

2) You or your organization cannot reclaim VAT.
In that case, you would have to pay the 21% we have to charge as VAT on top of the invoice in full yourself. For a training that costs €1,000, you would then have to pay €1,210 of which you get nothing back from the tax service.

It is more advantageous for you to request training without VAT. Performing and invoicing this training does cost us more so the bill will be higher than the ‘ex VAT’ price. but because our costs are not that high we can limit the extra cost to 10%. So in the example, for a training of €1,000, you would pay a total price of €1,100. In this case, we recommend you use this link to contact us.

VAT-free, but still 10% more on the invoice

If you choose a VAT-free training, be aware that the price on the website (the ‘ex VAT’ price) is increased by 10%. This means that if the price on the website is €1,000 (‘ex VAT price’) you will then receive an invoice of €1,100. This is because we will no longer be able to recover all the VAT we pay as an organization for the purchase or hiring of instructors, course materials and the use of our buildings or the rental of locations. We would be able to get this if we had prices with VAT in all cases. Trainings that we offer VAT-free are therefore more expensive for us, because we pay VAT but cannot get it back. To cover the higher cost, we charge the 10% VAT-free surcharge.

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