De HEMA app, getest door Polteq



Testing is a dedicated job. That’s why we hire professionals from Polteq.

Floor, Product Owner HEMA app team

“Their software testers are almost irritatingly good at finding edge cases and bugs.”

Wietske, app developer at Q42

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De HEMA app, getest door Polteq

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For HEMA, Polteq tested the new mobile app to boost the online conversion rate of loyalty customers. The app had to communicate with numerous HEMA backend applications through a new API. Polteq ...

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How can ICT help keep health care accessible and affordable? A very big question.

In short, the answer is: by having all healthcare providers, both healthcare institutions (such as hospit...

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Great testing happens when, in addition to automated testing, you explore and challenge the product with human ingenuity in a creative/exploratory way. By doing so, you don’t just look at ...

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